Sunday, January 18, 2009

Day Three - Sunday

What a great day! The Spradlins and I made to Capital Hill Baptist Church. We were excited by the opportunity to hear Mark Dever preach, but were even more excited when we found out they were having a guest preacher. C. J. Mahaney of Sovereign Grace Ministries was the guest preacher. What a blessing and privilege to hear C. J. proclaim the Word of God. Over the past several months Jennifer and I have both been profoundly impacted by the work of Sovereign Grace Ministries and the preaching of C. J. Mahaney. Really, it is the Word of God proclaimed by C. J. as well as God's work through him and Sovereign Grace that has impacted us. I just wish Jen could have been there with me; since she wasn't I picked up a CD of the sermon for her. I know she'll appreciate it.

(Mark Dever is the one standing next to me and C. J. Mahaney is the one turned away from me. I felt silly for asking Mark to take a picture, but really wanted one for this blog)

After lunch I let Matt talk me into going down to the Mall to check out the opening Concert for the Inauguration. What a mad house! I heard that there was around 500,000 people at the Mall today and that is supposed to be between 2 and 4 million on the day of the Inauguration. The closet sounds better and better. I imagine we may go out and do some people watching. Not sure yet, but we'll figure something out.
We are definitely gonna go to Arlington tomorrow to watch the changing of the Guard as well as visit J.F.K's tomb.


  1. what a wonderful experience you are having. You will need to check your e-mail to find out the history of me and your family. I am one of your cousins....this is really nice being able to follow your trip with you. Nice job.

  2. Wow That is a LOT of people.. the closet sounds good to me too! Hope you have fun and I pray things/people will turn to Christ even in the midst of the inauguration, instead of just glorifying a man. :) Glad you were able to hear those pastors too! I will have to check out that ministry too. - Linsi Neal
